Sunday, January 24, 2010

sadness is all i think...

When im alone i start to cry
I let the teers wash out my eyes
I want to be happy, but my mind wanders to sadness
On the outside im calm, but on the inside it's internal madness
I've been dead inside, no one can tell but who'd care anyway
I sit all alone and waste away my miserable day
I sit and kill my time, but if i kill time does it damage eternity
My exsistense is pointless theres, no point to be
My heart keeps beating but its starting to sink
Im trying to be happy but sadness is all i think

i'm sad bcoz i lost my lovely dress yesterday..
someone stole it while i hang it in the laundry room..
it's a new dress and i just wear it once...
so sad..

Monday, January 18, 2010

aku & zoo negara

sronoknya pada hri ahd bru ni...
aku akhrnya dpt pegi ke zoo ngara stelah bbrp thun aku x mnjjakkn kaki ke sana..
aku pegi ngn best fren aku ms skola dlu..

aku rs cma kami yg ckit plik sbb kt sane kami hnya jmpa samada couple ataupun married couple ngn ank2 diorg..
cma kami je sgerombolan kwn2 yg p sane...hehehe
aku dh set new dream ms kt sane..
1st place aku nk g dting ngn bkal pkwe aku nnti ialah d zoo..
kpd sume couple2..
pegilah ke zoo..hehe
ramai yg mnanti anda d sana..

pjah, biey n me

kami n tapak sulaiman..

takut ke control ayu ni?

korg prasan x beetles 2 sbijik cm dlm cter the mummy?

kami pegi ngn kete ni la..
kete ni fresh dr oven..x smpi sbulan lg..hehe
2 la tuan pnya kete tp aku plak tlebih posing..oppss!!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

my new life...

dah lame x mnulis...
lain mcm plak rs d hati..
aku saje je nk practise mnaip..
stelah hmpir 3 buln otakku x brapa nk bfikir..
aku skg sdang mnikmati hidup yg baru..

hari ni hri ke 2 aku blaja kt uitm..
stakat ni alhmdulillah smua bjalan lncar..
aku tpaksa blaja blik titas, hub etnik, pengucpn awam...
xthnnye sume kut bhasa org putih..
lemoh la kawe bhsa mat saleh ni...
tp yg pling best sume classmates aku baik2..
sgt friendly n bnyk mmbntu kami yg 2nd intake ini...

aku duk kt kolej je..
tp blik aku luas...
dh la duk bdua jer..
yg aku nk bggakn ni blok aku ade lif..
hahaha..jmat lemak aku...
tp yg aku xthn hri2 24jam nmpk muke mimi..
die jd rumek aku plak...hehehe
kuat btul jdoh kteorg..

kpd kwn2 kt upm..
aku akn sntiasa mngingati kamu smua...
wait 4 me there...